JCP Contributes Dominican Anti-Corruption Chapter to Getting the Deal Through

Getting the Deal Through publications are international guides, each focusing on a distinct area of law, policy, or industry. Volumes cover the key jurisdictions for the respective practice area, and follow a question-and-answer format. The questionnaire is set by a leading practitioner, selected on the basis of their expertise and global recognition. Contributors are the invited to answer the questionnaire for their jurisdiction, to create an international – road map – of practice worldwide, providing succinct and relevant country overviews alongside easy cross-border comparison. The series now covers 42 practice areas in more than 130 jurisdictions.

To read the anti-corruption chapter that JCP contributed to Getting the Deal Through, please click here.

Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through – Anti-Corruption Regulation April 2010 (published in February 2010, contributing editors: Homer E Moyer Jr and Miller & Chevalier Chartered). For further information please visit

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