Community Involvement

“Since 2011, the Jiménez Peña firm has actively collaborated with us providing diverse legal advice, which has allowed us to develop the communities with which we work. By virtue of these constant and selfless contributions, we express our gratitude”. Severino Polanco, director of Centro Cultural Guanín, Inc.
Since its foundation in 2003, Jiménez Peña has assumed the commitment to offer pro-bono legal services to the local and international community. Our lawyers are committed to making every hour count and sharing their knowledge with those most in need, collaborating with public and non-profit organizations dedicated to worthy causes. Some of the organizations with which we collaborate on an ongoing basis are:
• Best Buddies Dominican Republic
Started by Rachel Brea, a former JP associate, Best Buddies is an international non-profit foundation that seeks the social and labor integration of people with intellectual disabilities through ties of friendships between people with and without disabilities. JP helped bring this initiative and establish it in the Dominican Republic.
• Guanin Foundation
This foundation located in Las Piedras, municipality of Guerra, Dominican Republic, works with a community of disadvantaged people of Dominican and Haitian origin, providing housing, education and health care, focusing on young people and helping them discover, develop and achieve their full potential as adults, citizens and leaders.
• Pro-Bono Foundation
It is a non-profit organization born from the initiative of a group of lawyers who, inspired by the pro-bono practice of developed countries, seek to replicate this model of professional volunteering in the legal community of the Dominican Republic. They manage and distribute pro-bono work among different law firms for people who need legal services. This organization works not only with individuals, but also with other foundations and social organizations that usually need assistance in various matters.
• Girls and Boys with Don Bosco
Girls and Boys with Don Bosco is a technical unit of the Salesian Youth Ministry that provides assistance to works and social services for young people and children at risk. Founded on December 8th, 1985, by the initiative of a group of young aspiring Salesian Cooperators from the María Auxiliadora Youth Center, together with Father Juan Linares, who, after a beautiful experience that led them to find meaning in their lives, decided to launch to the challenging adventure of carrying out a Ministry Educational Project in favor of children who work in the streets of Santo Domingo, due to the precarious situation of these children and to fulfill their vocation of service and mission as a Salesian Family.
• Round Table of Commonwealth Countries
This non-profit, non-political NGO promotes bilateral economic, commercial and social relations between the Dominican Republic and the 54 countries that make up the Commonwealth. Its objective is to stimulate growth and progress by organizing activities and exchanging information.
• LexUnibe
Every year, law students from the Universidad Iberoamericana UNIBE hold this Free Legal Assistance Fair, in which legal and professional assistance sessions are offered to low-income people, vulnerable groups and the general public. The firm’s lawyers actively participate in these conferences.
In addition, we have collaborated with the Dominican Cricket Federation, the Ayitimoun-Yo organization and Techo RD, among others.
Chambers and Business Associations
Our firm belongs to the main chambers of commerce and business associations, in which the lawyers participate in the different committees and directives of the same.
We are currently members of:
- National Council of Private Enterprise
- Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic
- Association of Young Entrepreneurs
- American Chamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic (AMCHAM)
- Chamber of Commerce and Production of Santo Domingo
- British Chamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic (BRITCHAM)
- Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic (CAMACOES)
- French Dominican Chamber of Commerce (CCDF)
- Dominican-German Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (CC-DA)
- Canadian Dominican Chamber CANCHAM
- Swiss Chamber of Commerce
- Bar Association of the Dominican Republic
- Dominican Association of Business Lawyers
- Dominican Association of Intellectual Property
- National Network of Business Support for Environmental Protection (ECORED)
- Latin American Network of Labor Lawyers