Luis Eduardo, an associate of the firm, has focused his professional practice on financing, banking, stock market regulation and transactions, compliance and contractual issues in general, with vast experience advising national, regional and multilateral entities. He has participated in work groups on legislative issues, including the discussion and review of the Law on Public-Private Partnerships and its implementing regulations. He actively participates in business associations and is the current Curator of the Santo Domingo Hub of the Global Shapers Community, an initiative of the World Economic Forum.

Luis Eduardo is a summa cum laude graduate of Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) and has an LLM in International Financial Law from King’s College London, which he obtained with Distinction.  In addition, he received the Anti-Money Laundering Certified Associate (AMLCA) certification from the Financial & International Business Association (FIBA) and Florida International University (FIU).

Relevant Recent Experience

Advised Citibank, N.A. in the process of due diligence, structuring and disbursement of a syndicated loan to one of the largest oil and derivatives corporations worldwide, amounting to USD100MM. Likewise, the transaction included the completion and registration at the national level of all mortgage guarantees, pledges and collateral assignments granted by the debtor.

Advised Excel Group, through its entities Excel Consulting and “Fondo de Inversión Cerrado Inmobiliario Excel II”, a real estate investment fund, in the acquisition for its investment portfolio of one of the main shopping centres and hotel complex in the city of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The complex encompasses both the Silver Sun Gallery shopping centre and the Embassy Suites Hotel Santo Domingo.

Advised DEG in connection with a long-term senior loan provided to a financial institution in the Dominican Republic, for the implementation of a credit program for privately owned small and medium-sized companies in the Dominican Republic.

Advised Banco Múltiple BHD, S.A. in connection with the legal due diligence, structuring, and partial disbursement of a USD15MM credit facility provided to the company that operates the most important sugar mill in the Dominican Republic, located in the province of Barahona, for the development of a project to execute agricultural and industrial initiatives with the objective of making efficient production of raw sugar and molasses.

Advised DEG in connection with a long-term senior loan provided to a subsidiary in the Dominican Republic of a food processing cooperative, for the construction of a dairy and beverages production and packaging plant in the Dominican Republic.


Inglés, Español