Victor is an associate of the firm, specializing in economic regulation of the non-financial sector, as well as in administrative and constitutional litigation. He has advised companies belonging to regulated markets in the non-financial sector, such as the energy, telecommunications and civil aviation sectors in their relations with regulators and litigation before the courts of the Republic. He actively represents clients’ interests in administrative actions and litigation in defense of their interests in the market. Additionally, he participates in complex financings and acquisitions in the energy sector, providing his expertise for due diligence in the litigation and real estate areas.

Victor is a Summa Cum Laude graduate of the Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), being a scholarship recipient of the Leaders of Tomorrow program. He has a Master’s Degree in Civil Procedure from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM). He is a Chevening scholar, completing the Master’s Degree in Anti-Corruption and Governance at the University of Sussex, obtaining the honors of Distinction.

Relevant Recent Experience

Representation of a power generation company in administrative and constitutional litigation regarding compliance with regulatory requirements for the installation of an energy project with a capacity of more than 150 MW.

Represented a Dominican economic group in the structuring and negotiation of the acquisition of an equity interest in an important company in the electricity sector in the country.

Representation of an international airline operator in administrative litigation with a view to reverse the implementation of certain tax measures by the regulatory body of the aeronautical sector

Representation of the interests of an economic business group in the telecommunications sector in different litigation and administrative claims before the regulatory body of the sector.


Inglés, Español, Portugués


Law Students Group – UNIBE (GRED) / President /2014-2015